Independent State of the Congo

Treaty for the delimitation of each respective spheres of sovereignty and influence in the Lunda Region, signed in Lisbon on the 25th of May 1891, and rectified in Brussels on the 24th of March 1894, and exchanged on the 1st of August 1894

His Majesty the King of Portugal and the Algarves, and His Majesty the King Sovereign of the Independent State of the Congo, desirous of stretching with good relations of good neighbourhood and of perfect harmony the laces of friendship that exist among both countries, have resolved in this intuition to celebrate a special treaty for the delimitation of each respective spheres of sovereignty and of influence in the region of Lunda and have nominated theirs plenipotentiary, to be known:

His Majesty the King of Portugal and of the Algarves:

Mr. Carlos Roma du Bocage, deputy, major of the Military High Command of Engineering, his field assistant the honorary Knight of the Order of Saint Tiago, etc., etc., etc.

His Majesty the Sovereign King of the Independent State of Congo;

Mr. Edouard of Grelle Rogier, extraordinary envoy and plenipotentiary minister with all powers, official of the Order Leopold, etc., etc., etc.

Whom after having exchanged their respective credentials of power, which have been found in good and proper form, agreed to the following articles:

Article I In the Region of Lunda the possessions of His Majesty the King of Portugal and the Algarves and of His Majesty the King of the Belgians Sovereign of the Independent State of the Congo, are delimited in the following manner:

1.º By the Thalweg the course of the Cuango from the parallel 6° of the Latitude south until the parallel 8°;

By the parallel 8° until its point of the intersection with the River Cuilo, by the course of the River Cuilo in the north direction until the parallel 7° of South latitude;

By the Parallel of 7° until the River Cassai.

2.º It remains understood that the definite demarcation of the lines of the territories between the parallels 7° and 8° of latitude south, from the Cuango until the Cassai, it will be executed afterwards, taking into consideration the configuration of the terrain and of the limits of the Native States.

The States of Maxinge (Capenda) and of Cassassa, which northern border follows the length of the parallel 8° from the right margin of the Cuango up to the course of the Cuilo, the State of Amucundo (Caungula), that has by occidental limit the right margin of this last River and touches the parallel 7°, such as with the one of Mataba (Ambinje), that extends up to the same latitude and ends up in the left margin of the Cassai, will be under the Sovereignty of His Majesty the King of Portugal and the Algarves.

The States of Mussuco (Cambongo) and of Anzovo which Southern borders follow the length of parallel 8° from the Cuango up to the Cuilo and the ones of Cassongo (Muene Puto) Tupeinde (Muata Cumbana) and Turuba (Mai Munene) will be under the Sovereignty of His Majesty the King Sovereign of the Independent State of the Congo.

3.º By the thalweg of the Cassai, from the meeting point of this river with the line of demarcation mentioned in the preceding paragraph, until the mouth of its affluent that springs in the side of Dilolo, and by the course of this affluent until its origin.

The region the the west of the Cassai it will belong to Portugal; the region to the east of this river to the Independent State of the Congo.

4.º By the divisor line of the waters of the Zaire (Congo) and the ones of the Zambeze until its intersection with the meridian 24° of longitude east of Greenwich.

Article II

A commission compost of the representatives of the high contractual parts, in equal numbers of both sides, it will be in-charge of in the terrain of executing the tracing of the border in conformity with the preceding stipulations.

This commissaries with meet in the place that will be previously fixed by common accord and in the most brief of time possible after the exchange of the rectifications of the present treaty.

Article III

The Portuguese subjects in the Territories of the Lunda Region, placed under the Sovereignty of the Independent State of the Congo, and the subjects of the Independent State of the Congo in the Territories of this same Region placed under the sovereignty of portugal, will be respectively addressed, in what it concerns the protection of persons and of property in equal conditions with the subjects of the other contractual power.

Article IV

The high contractual parts are hereby obliged, in the lack of an direct accord, to a resort to the arbitration of one or more friendly powers for the resolution of all the contestable to which the present treaty may give rise to, may it be the interpretation of it, or of the tracing of borders in the terrain.

Article V

The present treaty will be rectified and the rectifications will be exchanged in Lisbon as soon as it is possible. In faith of which the respective plenipotentiary signed the present treaty which will seal with the seal of arms.

Made in Lisbon, on the 25th of May of 1891

(L.S.) – Carlos Roma du Bocage (L.S.) – Edouard de Grelle Rogier


Brussels, 24th March 1894 Boundary of the Lunda Nation


Congo and Portugal Approval of Report of Boundary Commissioners of June, 1893

Lunda Region


DECLARATION signed at Brussels, 24th March, 1894, conveying the approval by the Governments of the Independent State of the Congo and of His Most Faithful Majesty of the tracing of the frontier executed by their Commissioners in the region of Lunda, in execution of the Convention concluded at Lisbon 25th May, 1891 (No. 59).


The Governments of the Independent State of the Congo and of His Most Faithful Majesty, having received the report of the delimitation works carried out on the spot by the Commissioners charged by them, in the terras of Article II of the Convention signed at Lisbon, 25th May, 1891 (No. 59), to execute the tracing of the boundary in accordance with Article I of the above-mentioned Convention, and having taken cognisance of the proces-verbal of the 26th June, 1893, signed, subject to ratification, at Loanda, have decided to approve and ratify respectively this proces-verbal of the 26th June, 1893, in the following terms :

The year eighteen hundred and ninety-three, the twenty-sixth day of the month of June,

We, George Grenfell, missionary of the English Baptist Mission, and Jay me Lobo de Brito Godins, Governor General ad interim of the province of Angola ;

Having exchanged our diplomas, found in good and due form, giving us full powers as Royal Commissioners for the Independent State of the Congo and for Portugal to execute conjointly the tracing of the boundary in the region of Lunda, while complying with the stipulations laid down in Articles I and II of the Convention of Lisbon of the 25th May, 1891 (No. 59) ; the Royal Commissioner for Portugal having in addition the right of transferring wholly or in part the powers which have been conferred upon him, which faculty he has made use of by delegating his powers to Simao-Candido Sarmeuto, Lieutenant Graduate of the Portuguese Army, in so far as they relate to the works on the spot.

Having taken cognisance of the annexed proces-verbaux of the five sittings, which are signed by the aforesaid George Grenfell, Royal Commissioner, and Lieutenant Simao-Candido Sarmento, delegate of the Royal Portuguese Commissioner for the works on the spot, and also by the Captain in command of the public force of the Independent State of the Congo, Florent Gorin, Royal Commissioner for the technical works, we decide to adopt ad referendum the tracing of the boundary, set forth in the present Act, which shall not be signed by the aforesaid Captain in command, Florunt Gorin, who happens to be absent, which fact shall not lessen the value of the present document, in that it is the transcription of the boundaries that the above-mentioned Captain in command, Florent Gorin, has approved, which are mentioned in the five proces-verbaux aforesaid.

Following the thalweg of the Kwango (Cuango) from the 8th parallel as far as its confluence with the Tongila (Utuii-guila) 8 7' 40" south latitude approx. ; the thalweg of the Tungila (Utunguila) as far as its intersection with the canal through which pass the waters of the Lola; the thalweg of the same canal as far as its junction with the Komba, 8' west of the Wamba (Uhamba), and 8 5' 4" south latitude approx. ; for want of a natural boundary, the frontier as far as the thalweg of the Wamba (Uhamba) shall be marked out by the line due east, passing through the aforesaid point of junction (Komba and Lola).

The thalweg of the Wamba (Uhamba) from the parallel of the point of junction between the Komba (Comba) and the Lola, as far as its confluence with the Uovo (Nnovo) ; the thalweg of the Uovo (Nuovo) as far as its junction with the N'Kombo (Combo); the thalweg of the N'Kombo and of the Kamanguna (Camanguna) (or the river by which the waters of the river Lue flow into the N'Kombo), as far as the 8th degree south latitude.

From this point the boundary shall be the 8th parallel, as far as the thalweg ef the Lucaia, then the thalweg of this river (Lukai) as far as 7 55' south latitude; the parallel from this point (7. 55' south latitude) as far as the Kwengo (Cuengo) ; from this point the thalweg of the Kwengo (Cuengo), as far as the 8th degree ; from thence a parallel as far as the river Luita ; the thalweg of the Luita as far as its junction with the Kivilu (Cuilu).

From thence (7 34' south latitude approx.) the parallel as far as the thalweg of the Kama Bomba (Camabomba) or Kangulungu (Congu-lungu) ; the thalweg of the Kangulungu as far as the junction of its waters with the Loangue, and the thalweg of the Loangue as far as 7 south latitude. From the intersection of the thalweg of the Loangue and of the 7th degree, following this parallel as far as its intersection with the thalweg of the Lovua; the thalweg of the Lovua as far as 6 55' south latitude.

From this point (6 55' south latitude) the boundary shall be marked out by the parallel as far as its intersection with the thalweg of the Chikapa (Chicapa) ; the thalweg of this river (Chicapa) as far as 7 17' south latitude ; from this point (7 17' south latitude) the parallel as far as the thalweg of the Kassai (Cassai).

Done at Loanda, in duplicate original, the twenty-sixth day of the month of June of the year Eighteen hundred and ninety-three.

For the Independent State of the Congo, (Signed) GEORGE GRENFELL


To this effect the undersigned, His Excellency Count de Grelle-Rogier, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of the Independent State of the Congo, and His Excellency Monsieur M. Martins d'Antas, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of His Most Faithful Majesty, duly authorised, have embodied in the present declaration the ratification by their respective Governments of the preceding Act, the said ratification to come into full and entire force on the date of the thirty-first of March, Eighteen hundred and ninety-four.

In witness whereof the undersigned have drawn up the present declaration, which they have signed in duplicate, and to which they have affixed their seals.

Done at Brussels, the twenty-fourth day of the month of March, Eighteen hundred and ninety-four.

The Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the Sovereign King of the Independent State of the Congo, C.TE DE GRELLE-ROGIER

The Plenipotentiary of His Most Faithful Majesty, MIGUEL MARTINS D'ANTAS

Livro Branco sobre a questão da Lunda, doc n.º 17, pp. 25-26

José Vicente Barbosa du Bocage, ministro e secretario d’estado dos negócios estrangeiros de Sua Magestade Fidelíssima e Edouard de Grelle Rogier, enviado extraordinário e ministro plenipotenciário de Sua Magestade o Rei dos Belga, Soberano do Estado Independente do Congo, munido de plenos poderes de Sua Magestade o Rei Soberano do Estado Independente Congo, convieram nas disposições consignadas nos artigos seguintes.

Artigo I

O Governo de Sua Magestade Fidelíssima e o governo do Estado Independente do Congo diligenciarão resolver por meio de uma negociação directa, que terá logar em Lisboa a divergência suscitada entre os sobreditos governos áccerca da interpretação da convenção celebrada em 14 de Fevereiro de 1885 entre Portugal e Associação Internacional Africana, no que respeita ao exercício da influencia e ao direito de soberania nos territórios comprehendidos entre o curso do CUANGO e o 6º parallelo de latitude sul e a linha divisória das aguas que pertencem á bacia do CASSAI entre os parallelo 6º e 12º de latitude sul.

Artigo II

No caso dos plenipotenciários respectivos não poderem chegar directamente a um accordo, o governo de Sua Magestade Fidelíssima e o governo do Estado Independente do Congo compromettem-se a recorrer á mediação de Sua SANTIDADE O SUMMO PONTIFICE LEÃO XIII.

Artigo III

O governo de Sua Magestade Fidelíssima e o governo do Estado Independente do Congo compromettem-se alem d’isso, a submetter a questão á arbitragem de uma potência amiga escolhida por elles de consenso mutuo, no caso de não se chegar por via de mediação a estabelecer o accordo sobre o ponto de que se trata.

Lisboa, 31 de Dezembro de 1890

- José Vicente Barboza du Bocage
- Édouard de Grelle Rogier



Sua Majestade o Rei de Portugal e dos Algarves e Sua Majestade o Rei Soberano do Estado Independente do Congo, animados do desejo de estreitar com relações de boa vizinhança e de perfeita harmonia os laços de amizade que existem entre os dois paises, resolveram neste intuito celebrar um tratado especial para a delimitação das suas respectivas esferas de soberania e de influência na região da Lunda e nomearam para seus plenipotenciários, a saber:

Sua Magestade o Rei de Portugal e dos Algarves:

O sr. Carlos Roma du Bocage, deputado, major do estado maior de engenharia, seu ajudante de campo honorário, cavaleiro da ordem de S. Tiago, etc., etc., etc.

Sua Magestade o Rei Soberano do Estado Independente do Congo;

O sr. Edouard de Grelle Rogier, enviado extraordinário e ministro plenipotenciário munido dos seus poderes, oficial da ordem de Leopoldo, etc., etc., etc.

Os quais depois de terem trocado seus plenos poderes, que foram achados em boa e devida forma, concordaram nos artigos seguintes:

Artigo I

Na região da Lunda as possessões de Sua Magestade o Rei de Portugal e dos Algarves e de Sua Magestade o Rei dos Belgas, Soberano do Estado Independente do Congo, são delimitadas no seguinte modo:

1.º Pelo thalweg do curso do Cuango desde o paralelo de 6° de Latitude sul até ao paralelo de 8°;

Pelo paralelo de 8° até ao seu ponto de intersecção com o rio Cuilo, pelo curso do Cuilo na direcção norte até ao paralelo de 7° de latitude sul;

Pelo paralelo de 7° até ao rio Cassai.

2.º Fica entendido que o traçado definitivo da linha de demarcação dos territórios compreendidos entre os paralelos de 7° e 8° de latitude sul, desde o Cuango até ao Cassai, será executado ulteriormente, tomando em consideração a configuração do terreno e os limites dos estados indigenas.

Os estados de Maxinge (Capenda) e de Cassassa, cuja fronteira setentrional segue ao longo do paralelo de 8° desde a margem direita do Cuango até ao curso de Cuilo, o estado de Amucundo (Caungula), que tem por limite ocidental a margem direita deste último rio e toca no paralelo 7°, assim como o de Mataba (Ambinje), que se estende até á mesma latitude e vai terminar na margem esquerda do Cassai, ficarão sob a Soberania de Sua Magestade o Rei de Portugal e dos Algarves.

Os estados do Mussuco (Cambongo) e de Anzovo cuja fronteiras meridionais seguem ao longo do paralelo de 8° desde o Cuango até ao Cuilo e os de Cassongo (Muene Puto) Tupeinde (Muata Cumbana) e Turuba (Mai Munene) ficarão debaixo da Soberania de Sua Majestade o Rei Soberano do Estado Independente do Congo.

3.º Pelo thalweg do Cassai, desde o ponto de encontro deste rio com a linha de demarcação mencionada no parágrafo precedente, até à foz do seu afluente que nasce no lado Dilolo, e pelo curso deste afluente até à sua origem.

A região a oeste do Cassai pertencerá a Portugal; a região a leste deste rio ao Estado Independente do Congo.

4.º Pela linha divisória das águas do Zaire (Congo) e das do Zambeze até à sua intersecção com o meridiano 24° de longitude este de Greenwich.

Artigo II

Uma comissão composta de representantes das altas partes contratantes, em número igual dos dois lados, será encarregada de executar no terreno o traçado da fronteira em conformidade com as estipulações precedentes.

Estes comissários reúnir-se hão no sitio que for ulteriormente fixado de comum acôrdo e no mais breve prazo possível depois da troca das ratificações do presente tratado.

Artigo III

Os subditos portugueses nos territórios da região da Lunda, colocados sob a soberania do Estado Independente do Congo, e os subditos do Estado Independente do Congo nos territórios desta mesma região colocados sob a soberania de Portugal, serão respectivamente tratados, no que se refere à protecção das pessoas e das propriedades em condições de igualdade com os subditos da outra potência contratante.

Artigo IV

As duas altas partes contratantes obrigam-se, na falta de um acôrdo directo, a recorrer à arbitragem de uma ou mais potências amigas para a resolução de todas as contestações a que o presente tratado puder dar lugar, quer se trate da interpretação dele ou do traçado das fronteiras no terreno.

Artigo V

O presente tratado será ratificado e as ratificações serão trocadas em Lisboa logo que for possível.

Em fé do que os plenipotenciários respectivos assinaram o presente tratado que selaram com o sêlo das suas armas.

Feito em Lisboa, aos 25 de Maio de 1891

(L.S.) – Carlos Roma du Bocage
(L.S.) – Edouard de Grelle Rogier

Federation of the Free States of Africa
Secretary General
Mangovo Ngoyo

Email:   [email protected]
